The Yellow Dog Community and Conservation Foundation works to enhance communities, build partnerships and support conservation in places where great fishing is found.

The Foundation seeks partnerships with local organizations that are directly engaged with preserving and enhancing the local communities and fisheries. Through our Community and Conservation Grant Program we underwrite priority conservation needs in select communities, and support vital community projects, such as schools, clean water, and sanitation.  

We only accept inquires for grants in the destinations that Yellow Dog Fly Fishing Adventures conducts its business and sends their clients, nationally and internationally. Please visit for a complete list of destinations. We also encourage applicants to partner with the local lodges with whom we work.

The Foundation provides grants from $250 to $5,000 for an individual project. Larger amounts are considered based on the nature and scope of the project, but the majority of our grants fall into this range. 

The Foundation has limited resources and places higher priority on projects that:

1) Benefit to fisheries and habitats;

2) enhance our target communities through schools, education or other civic needs; and

3) include partnerships with the lodges or angling operations that Yellow Dog works with; and

4) provides ability to leverage additional funding.

We also value projects in which our grants can serve as a catalyst for other sources of funding, including volunteer labor, donations of materials and equipment, and other funding sources. We encourage applicants to partner with the local lodges that we work with.  Please read full grant guidelines and priorities before submitting your proposal to YDCCF.

To apply, please provide the following information in the form below, or submit it electronically to:

          Yellow Dog Community and Conservation Foundation