Current Bahamas Hurricane On-The-Ground Updates
UPDATE: East End Lodge
It's been two months now since Hurricane Dorian wreaked havoc on Grand Bahama Island...
Since the Hurricane we have made multiple trips to the island and we are thankful to report that most of the power has been restored to Freeport. Unfortunately though, the east end of the island remains without power and running water.
The airport remains closed for international flights, but from what we hear, it is expected to reopen in mid-November. The lack of flights poses a massive financial strain on the island and it’s people as there are currently little to no tourism dollars coming into the island.
Thankfully, international aid continues to pour in from around the world and has been a huge blessing for the people. World Kitchen, for example, has provided over 700,000 meals to date. The Samaritans Purse built a fully functioning hospital and has been providing medical aid as the main hospital in Freeport (Rand Hospital) suffered significant flood damage. The Red Cross also continues to be present and has even setup aid tents on the east end of the island. Debris removal continues and has gone quite well as a result of organizations like CORE.
Due to your generous contributions, many people on the east end are in the process now of trying to rebuild their homes. Particularly our staff members. Although none of the homes are currently habitable, progress is slowly being made. This was done primarily by allowing homes to dry out and replacing building material to prevent further water damage. We are now focused on purchasing electrical supplies in the states to send over as well as paying electricians to perform the work necessary. Two staff members in particular lost their homes beyond repair and we have already submitted the plans to the building department for approval for one and the other plans are currently being finalized. Many of the residents who are working on their homes are living in tents, staying several days, before returning to Freeport for supplies as the daily cost of travel back and forth is cost prohibitive for them.
We have had the privilege of welcoming some great people who have made trips with additional relief supplies. People like, Caroline Collatos, who took a jet filled with 1000s of pounds of supplies or Dwyer High School, in Palm Beach Gardens, who came with a group of students with supplies via a plane provided by Kris Rockwell. We also had a group from Gainesville (Jack, John, Mike, Reid, Jimmy, Joel, Dave and Suzanne) that brought a 55' sport fishing boat full of relief aid. The great thing about the trips mentioned above is that these supplies were given to residence of not only McCleans Town but also neighboring settlements (Freetown, High Rock, Gambier Point & Pelican Point), not just East End Lodge staff. With these trips we were able to tailor the supplies to the specific needs of certain residence such as people with babies, the elderly, and provided aid specifically for them.
We want to give a special thank you to Iris Relief who has been instrumental in coordinating many of these relief supply efforts. Thank you to all that have donated monetarily. These funds have been a huge source of provision for the people of east end. Many of you have ask what you can do to help, more funds would be ideal. With as much as we have raised, at this point, even fully restoring staff members homes will be a challenge.
The Bahamian people are strong and resilient. Moral is good and we continue to move forward and progress toward rebuilding a new and better Bahamas. Once again, thank you for your continued prayers and support.
God Bless You,
Robert Neher
Dear Friends,
I’ve spent the majority of the week on the island. Much like I would have any other year. This time though not to open the lodge for the season...But to rally behind my fellow Bahamians in this critical time.
I am so happy to report that there are so many humanitarian organizations such as World Kitchen who have provided well over half a million meals. CORE, who has done a phenomenal job at removing debris. Or Samaritans Purse, who has built a full blown hospital in Freeport along with smaller clinics throughout the island. There are too many to list them all. Not to mention the smaller relief organizations scattered throughout the island bringing so much needed aid.
The biggest need continues to be the rebuilding/repairing of so many homes, especially for the people of East End. As you know, many of them continue to be homeless. No home in McLean's town is inhabitable. There are some people living in High Rock with blue tarps over their homes because they have no where else to go. The East end of the island continues to remain without power. Thankfully in much of Freeport the power has been restored.
The Iris Relief organization helped us record a small video yesterday that will hopefully provide some insight.
Thank you again to those that have continued to support our efforts.
Robert Neher
UPDATE: Delphi Club
We continue to make significant progress at Delphi both in terms of getting relief supplies into Abaco to our staff and guides, and renting 3 houses for those staff members who lost everything.
We are also readying ourselves to be able to announce when Delphi will be open for business. We are confident that this will be a matter of only a few weeks. We are as anxious as you are to see Delphi reopen as soon as possible so we and our staff and guides can get back to normal and do our small bit to help Abaco recover from this tragedy.
UPDATE: East End Lodge
After several trips to Grand Bahama Island bringing emergency food, hygiene and building supplies in recent weeks, this was the first time leaving the Freeport airport grounds...
Freeport suffered significant damage with massive amounts of flooding due to the storm stalling over the center of the island for 30 hours. In Freeport there were a lot of downed power lines, roof and water damage, but, the majority of the buildings are intact. Fifty percent of the power had been restored.
The next morning I began my journey to the east end of Grand Bahama with my final stop at McCleans Town...
The road on the way had been reasonably repaired and debris moved to the side. Once entering the east end of Grand Bahama proper I began seeing the devastation at eye level and was aghast. As I passed through the settlements of Freetown and High Rock I could see the fury and destruction of Hurricane Dorian. The landscape was getting worse and worse each mile I drove.
Reaching the oil storage facility of Statoil (Equinor) there was crude oil dripping down every tank. Crews of men on both side of the road in hazmat suits and pump trucks were sucking up the black oil.
The next Settlement was Pelican Point and the damage was quite severe; catastrophic in fact. Concrete slabs where wooden homes once sat as evidenced by a lone toilet which was the only thing remaining. Many concrete structures were destroyed to the point of non-repair or total obliteration. I feared what I was going to see on my next and last stop, McCleans Town...
Upon entering McCleans Town, the first wooden house on the left was gone, again without a trace, except the concrete slab. Next two homes on both the left and the right were concrete block homes which were completely destroyed and nothing left but rubble. This was the same throughout McCleans Town, not one building left undamaged. All the damage extremely severe and catastrophic and nothing left that is habitable. McCleans Town had been eviscerated, biblical of sorts. I was in utter amazement and shock. The pictures from the fly-overs and the ground do not bring this horrific event into full reality. The local residents have been working to salvage what they can and have begun the slow arduous process of cleaning-out to begin their rebuilding process. Many will not be able to rebuild.
With your generous donations we have brought in the aforementioned supplies. In addition, we purchased emergency building supplies, ply-wood, peel and stick vapor barrier and 2x4 lumber lengths for the staff homeowners and some others. The damage is far too great to help everyone with our limited budget. The idea was and is to “dry-in” the homes from further damage from the elements. I looked for temporary housing for all the displaced, however, there is nothing.
Freeport received high winds but nothing like out east; the biggest issue for them was the extreme flooding on the north side. The farther east you go the worse it gets...
We have given the staff monies to assist with basic living needs, all the staff is being treated equally, so everyone is getting the same. Then a monthly stipend for the next 3 months, meanwhile I will determine what will be done moving forward and in-between. Trying to be very judicious, a very fluid situation. Today we purchased some electrical supplies to assist those owners with the next step. I am heading back Monday; I need to be on the ground to more effectively help. Everyone is somewhat shell-shocked and it is difficult to assess their needs when asking on the phone.
There is a lot of aid going out east each day in east end Grand Bahama. Several large organizations, CORE, brought large machinery to remove debris from the settlements and homes. Team Rubicon is helping locals remove water logged contents and building materials from inside their homes. The Red Cross is providing support. The World Central Kitchen is providing thousands of meals each day throughout the island. The US Military has been flying food and water into McCleans Town and other settlements in the east each day for the locals coming up from Freeport to work on their damaged homes.
Many of you ask what is needed. Yes, we need so much more money to really be effective, otherwise just helping the staff and their families and a few peripheral people. Even then we can’t help each staff member totally rebuild their homes.
As far as the lodge, many of you have asked, this isn’t about the lodge, it’s about the people. That being said, the west building is down and the east building suffered roof and water damage. The lodge, unlike the locals, is insured. It will be repaired and re-built.
The staff, families and others of the east end really need our help. Thank you all so very much for your thought, concerns, donations and above all prayers.
Robert Neher
UPDATE: Deep Water Cay Family
The latest news is that the status to qualify for charitable donations is underway. The Deep Water Cay Family Hurricane Relief Effort, a Florida Not-for-profit corporation has 501(c)(3) designation pending. All donations past and future should qualify as charitable donations.
If you have already given, we thank you. If this charitable status allows you to donate again, please do.
The good people of Grand Bahama have made Deep Water Cay what it was for the last 60 years. Watch our latest video here, which includes some of our family who met us on the Cay last week. Now they need your help. The Deep Water Cay staff and their families have lost most everything on Grand Bahama - their homes, their communities, and temporarily their place of work. This fund's purpose is to help them rebuild their lives.
We are in contact with our people many times a day and are continuing to learn of urgent needs and major losses. We are making another supply flight today and meeting some of them in Freeport who will help distribute to other DWC families. These supplies have been donated and are not being paid for out of the fund.
The good people of Deep Water Cay will be very grateful for your gift. If you would share the news of the charitable donation status with your own contacts in an effort to maximize giving, we would appreciate that beyond words.
With much appreciation and gratitude.
Paul and Joe
UPDATE: North Riding Point Club
We are so grateful for your overwhelming support of North Riding Point Club and its employees. Your outreach has been amazing. Our special staff and I truly appreciate all the emails and calls expressing your worry and compassion.
In the aftermath of Dorian, with relief efforts underway, we continue to be greatly concerned for the wellbeing and living conditions of NRPC employees. While the recovery process has started, their struggle is deep and unprecedented. The process of rebuilding their homes and lives will be difficult. It is going to take years. Fortunately, our NRPC family is resilient and steadfast. The staff is sincerely thankful for all your well wishes, provisioning, and funding. Your support together with their can-do attitude is the fuel that will power the recovery.
Now is the time to start rebuilding and healing. All of our employees have either lost their homes or are left with houses requiring major reconstruction. Some, most unfortunately, have lost family. All need financial aid to build new or repair their housing and provide a source of income until the Club reopens in December.
The Club is very fortunate to have a 501(c)(3) through which we can direct assistance allowing your donation to be tax-deductible. Issue checks to Amiable and mail to Amiable, Inc., c/o Mark Andrews, 755 Johnnie Dodds Blvd, Mt Pleasant, SC, 29464. Alternatively, if you would like to wire funds email me ( and I will forward wiring instructions for Amiable's 501(c)(3). Mark is a dear friend of the Club and has volunteered to handle all aspects related to the receipt and transfer of the relief funds, including notifying each donor by email of the receipt of the contribution. 100% of funds will go directly to this relief effort as directed by Management with approval of the NRPC BOD.
Thank you so very much. Your support is fueling the hope of the NRPC team.
Paul Adams
UPDATE: The Delphi Club and Abaco
These are the latest developments at the club and on Abaco more generally.
Overall, the situation on North Abaco and Grand Bahama remains precarious. Search and recovery efforts continue and, sadly, bodies are still being discovered every day. While the official death toll is currently below 100, many people on the island believe that the death toll could rise to several hundred or more. Over 1,300 people are still reported as ‘missing’.
At Delphi, we are delighted that our lodge manager, Max has now returned to Abaco and is back at the club. Our summer caretaker, Dan, has now returned to the US and departs with our sincerest thanks for watching over the club during the storm and in Max’s absence. Our Dorian / Delphi Relief GoFundMe has attracted close to $140,000 in donations and, together with other generous contributions made to the fund outside of the GoFundMe channel, we now have close to $200,000 at our disposal to fund ongoing relief efforts.
A large shipment of emergency supplies (clothes, shoes, canned foodstuffs, hygiene kits, flashlights, etc) was delivered by air earlier this week and has been distributed to our staff and guides where it was needed the most. A shipment of 10 portable generators was scheduled to depart from Florida yesterday but the boat may now be delayed a few days due to further bad weather forecast for the Bahamas for this weekend. We hope to be able to get this shipment to Abaco by early next week. Further shipments of relief supplies are also in the works.
The Lodge is still being used to house several members of our staff who lost their houses to the storm. We are investigating the possibility of renting accommodation in Sandy Point to provide a longer term solution for them and are hopeful that we can rent a 5 bedroom house there in the very near term. We have inventoried our other staff and guides’ houses which were damaged but not destroyed. Many of these are in Crossing Rocks and Cherokee Point. We will need building supplies and tools to repair these houses and are working on plans to buy and bring these in. It may be a while before regular shipments to the island can resume so we are also investigating chartering a boat. We are coordinating with other establishments like the Abaco Club at Winding Bay and Pete’s Pub, who have similar needs for supplies, to see whether we can pool our efforts.
Apart from these relief efforts we are reviewing what needs to be in place before we can re-open Delphi for the season. The most critical of these are the restoration of electrical power and a steady supply of food, fuel and other supplies. Bahamas Power and Light (BPL) has publicly stated that they hope to restore power to South Abaco (which includes Delphi) in 3 weekswhich would be good news. We are also hopeful that regular supplies of food and fuel will resume in the same time frame but we are also working on becoming self sufficient in this regard by establishing our own supply lines, possibly in coordination with the above mentioned entities. Some of our staff evacuated to Nassau but we are confident that all those who left will return when Delphi re-opens.
It is still too early to determine when Delphi will be in a position to reopen. Other establishments on the island have set opening days in late October. We are encouraged that they think this is possible. We will be working day and night to hopefully get Delphi back open not long after that.
In closing, we would like to reiterate our huge thanks to all those who have given so generously to the relief fund. There is still much to do, not only for our own staff and fishing guides but for the many others on the island who have been left destitute by this storm of the century.
Please let us know if you have questions, comments or suggestions.
With best regards,
Andrew & Robert
UPDATE: North Riding Point Club
Greetings to all,
As many of you know, I left for Grand Bahama on Saturday, September 7th and returned last night. Grand Bahama continues to have no power or water. Crews are working on restoring electricity starting in Freeport and making their way east. Currently there is cell service in Freeport but not beyond the city. Island phone lines and internet services are out. Certain local food and supply stores and a few restaurants are open for business. The Freeport International Airport is closed to all flights except for relief planes and GB Port is now open. Samaritan’s Purse has an emergency field hospital operating in Freeport.
I have personally contacted all North Riding Point Club employees to include Stanley. Many are understandably in shock and are feeling overwhelmed after the harrowing experience of going through the storm. The destruction left behind in their communities is disheartening. All remain on the island except for Stanley, Meko and his family and Ricky and her children who are now in the US.
Tragically, Dorian claimed many victims on the island of Grand Bahama. It is with great sadness that I must tell you that one of our staff members, Henilee, along with her mother were taken by the storm. Other victims of the NRPC family are Donny’s wife, daughter, and grandson, along with Kenneth’s (Kay) brother. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all families and loved ones.
Please know that we are committed to reopening NRPC as soon as possible with a projected operational date of December 1, 2019.
Thank you for your generous donations to support NRPC employees. Some funds have already been disbursed to staff. Going forward, should anyone wish to contribute, please mail checks to:
North Riding Point Club
2541 N Pleasantburg Dr, Box 285, Greenville, SC 29609
Warmest regards,
Paul Adams
UPDATE: Lodge Status
Abaco Club at Winding Bay – Closed indefinitely
Abaco Lodge – Completely destroyed
Delphi Club – Fine, but closed
Deep Water Cay Club – Catastrophic damage
East End Lodge – Completely destroyed
H20 Bonefishing & Pelican Bay Resort – We think H20 will be fine, but that’s still unconfirmed.
North Riding Point Club – We’re still waiting to hear back
UPDATE: East End Lodge
Dear Friends,
This past weekend we had the honor of making two chartered trips to take initial relief supplies for the people of East end Grand Bahama.
We could not have done so without the generous support of so many people. Thank you to all that have prayed, given, called and made what took place this weekend possible. This was truly a team effort.
Among the supplies were things such as propane stoves, generators, lanterns, batteries, power tools, canned foods and so much more. And of course hot sauce, who could forget hot sauce? (a creature comfort that would no doubt lift spirits) ;)
Supplies were separated into lots of 60. As a result, we were able to provide initial relief to 60 different families.
Most of these people have lost everything. The road ahead will no doubt be long, but together we will help them get through this difficult and trying time.
During this time, let’s continue to pray. Ask that God continue to display His hand through what we are doing and that His hand and presence be felt more so than ever before.
We have additional trips planned for this week. We will keep you guys posted.
Robert Neher

UPDATE: Deep Water Cay Family
As best as we can determine all of the current DWC family is accounted for. This doesn't mean that some haven't lost family members.
Many of our staff have lost everything, not only in East End hometown communities of Mclean's Town and Sweetings Cay but in Freeport, as well. We can't imagine the struggle these folks are dealing with daily, having lost their homes, their communities, their place of work, and their entire way of life.
We have 50 Deep Water Cay staff members and have as of today raised a little over $60,000, for which we are very grateful. Our goal is to continue raising funds in order to evenly distribute the funds to our 50 staff members. They urgently need these funds in order to begin the challenge of rebuilding their lives.
Here in the south Florida community, there have been abundant supplies donated for immediate needs. The most urgent items are in place or on their way and we continue to determine needs and are scheduling flights.
We are truly grateful for the generous donations we have received to date.
We respectfully ask you to become an advocate, talk about and share this need and the GoFundMe page with your friends, family, and colleagues.
This is a long road, so please continue all your efforts in sharing our story, our goal for our staff, and the overwhelming challenges they now face.
With much appreciation and gratitude.
Paul and Joe
Bahamas Air - Public Notice - IMPORTANT NOTICE - ABACO - As the airports in Treasure Cay and Marsh Harbour have become functional, Bahamas Air has resumed flights to the region for evacuation purposes only.
These are courtesy services and is not an indication these airports are open to the public (fixed wing or rotary aircraft) for landing or fuel services. Please insure safe and effective airlift by complying with all restrictions or government/rescue operation requests.
UPDATE: We just contracted two charter flights to Freeport this weekend to deliver much needed food, cooking stoves, satellite phones and baby supplies to the East End of Grand Bahama. This was possibly only through your generosity and we’ll continue to provide updates as further relief efforts unfold.
UPDATE: Thank you everyone that donated to receive a limited edition @repyourwater and @yellowdogflyfishing bonefish hat. We’re excited to announce they’re all out the door and none are left. All contributions will be going directly to the guides and families that need it most.
Pictured to the left is the road to the east end of Grand Bahama.
As some may know, this is the only road in and out of east end. This breach has made it quite challenging to get to the east side of the island.
As of now, we simply have some aerial footage that has been shared with us. Everything we have seen can be summed up into “total and utter devastation”.
The good news is that all our staff has been accounted for and everyone is safe. But the people of east end need our help more than ever. Most are homeless and literally have nothing to go back to. If it wasn’t for the concrete slabs of some of their homes it would be hard to know there was ever a home where some used to be.
Thank you to everyone that has donated. It has been truly humbling to see your outpouring of love through your giving.
I can not stress enough though how much the people of east end Grand Bahama need our help.
The first set of care packages with immediate supplies are being prepared as we speak and they will be delivered this weekend.
Thanks again,
Robert Neher
Owner - East End Lodge
7:53 AM - Pictured left: What’s left of Abaco Lodge
From Deepwater Cay:
“Deep Water Cay has apparently sustained catastrophic damage. We are working with our DWC team members and homeowners to get a closer fly over and to soon land on our beloved Cay. More importantly, we are still attempting to reach all of our DWC staff. One thing we are sure of is that they and their families will need all the help possible to put their lives back together.”
News from Oliver White of Abaco Lodge:
“Abaco Lodge is gone. Total and complete devastation, and there is literally nothing left standing. On a positive note, we have now accounted for all of our staff, guides and employees, and so far, everyone is safe. News of other Abaco Lodges is that Delphi Club and Black Fly Lodge are intact. However, Abaco has announced that the international airport will be closed until at least December to all commercial flights. Expectations are for a mass, government-organized exodus of citizens from the island, as the infrastructure of the island is absolutely wrecked.”
From the Hope Town Sailing Club - 1 PM: From Hope Town Volunteer Fire Department...Quick update-relief efforts are being coordinated and the damage assessments using the video footage are being compiled. A satellite phone is now in the hands of HTVFR and communication has been accomplished.
From the US Embassy, Nassau: You can help relief efforts by only sharing verified information from trusted sources. Please share this widely.
U.S. Coast Guard continues search and rescue operations in the Northern Bahamas, now with support from Customs and Border Protection as well.
They have been welcomed by people in Abaco and Freeport who need help. There have been no reports of violence against USCG or CBP operations.
As of 8:00 pm on September 3, they had successfully airlifted 61 people from the Northern Bahamas to Nassau over two days, including three people from Freeport.
9:15 AM: From Paul Francis Aranha, who flew over the Abacos:
“After flying over Marsh Harbour Abaco and the surrounding areas today, I can safely say that we have never in our history experienced a disaster of this magnitude. The size and scale of this hurricane and the response required will be tremendous. I would like to caution aid groups and relief workers that running in this headfirst without proper planning and coordination you may add to the problem. The reality on the ground is not an instagrammable moment, but one that is riddled with risks and is still an active evacuation zone. There are still many ways to get involved and support our trained first responders and coordinate with them prior to any action, you do not want to become a victim while trying to help.”
All photos courteous of the U.S. Coast Guard
11:15PM: From the Hope Town Sailing Club via the Hope Town Volunteer Fire Department
Elbow Cay - 30% of structures demolished. 70% of structures severely damaged. Most docks destroyed and unusable. 99% of boats sunk.
Man O War Cay - All docks destroyed and every boat sunk. 90% of structures severely damaged. 10% of structures destroyed.
Dickies Cay - All docks destroyed. 50% of structures destroyed. 50% of structures damaged severely damage
We are closely examining the footage house by house and will release our assessments as soon as we have it compiled.